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Showcasing the “Middle” Part of the Learning Process

I’m fortunate to be able to visit our schools on a daily basis and whenever I pass by artwork, I’m drawn in. I have a great deal of admiration for creative minds and how the arts can harness this creativity. Today, I visited the Groton-Dunstable Regional Middle School and came across an art display in … Continue reading Showcasing the “Middle” Part of the Learning Process

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Capture Student Growth with a Digital Portfolio

In January, I wrote that a traditional assignment, submitted to the teacher, graded behind the scene and sent home to be recycled, is no longer an effective method for monitoring student achievement. In addition to lacking an authentic audience and not reaching students where they are, they also fall short of any real meaning or in preparing students for their future.

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At MassCUE 2016, we worked on creating a portfolio post using SeeSaw Plus version.  I wanted to see what the difference is between Seesaw and our own, WordPress infused digital portfolio system,  Seesaw is $5/per student or $10,000 a year for our third through twelth grade students. Below is a link to the picture I … Continue reading Seesaw

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Embedding a Google Slide Presentation

Google Apps for Education has a wonderful suite of tools and with available themes and the ability to embed into your digital portfolio, Google Slides is a great presentation tool! For students looking to bring over a Google Slides presentation, embedding requires the student to publish the presentation to the web, then copy/pasting the embed … Continue reading Embedding a Google Slide Presentation