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Final Project

The final project was the most fun I’ve had with any final and I’d prefer filming a murder scene to a written test any day. I learned most of all the process that takes place when a crime is committed, and how evidence at the crime scene is collected and used to determine multiple factors of the crime. My group worked smoothly and efficiently throughout the whole project, and the most difficult part was orchestrating the fake blood into the footage. We had to figure out where to place it for the most realistic effect and we only had one take at it and the blood makes a mess, but our final decision came out perfectly. The easiest part was the acting and the filming. Camera work was a breeze and my entire group, including me, gave perfect runs nearly every time and delivered lines off the top of the head. We had no real script planned for any of our dialogue but we didn’t need to spend any time thinking about what to say. I had a lot of fun with the entire project and it was definitely my favorite part of this class.

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