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Genetically Modified Human

Genetically Modified Children By: Emily Hauk The advancements made in the understanding of genes, and how they work together has led to a new field within genetics, genetically modified organisms. It started as genetically modified plants which allowed for the improvement plants with better nutrients and longer time before spoilage. While this idea with plants … Continue reading Genetically Modified Human

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Genetically Modified Children

My beginning essential question for my project is “What is the process of genetically modifying children and where is the line between what is moral acceptable and what goes against good morals?”  I am interested in this topic because it expands from strictly being based on how this can be done, scientifically,  to a bigger … Continue reading Genetically Modified Children

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Digital Portfolios: Getting Started

Thanks to middle school teacher Jennifer Leung for creating this awesome step-by-step presentation for students on their digital portfolio. There is an embedded Google Presentation and a YouTube video! Mrs. Leung is working on designing flipped class lessons as well as learning how to create screencasts and created these as an example of her learning … Continue reading Digital Portfolios: Getting Started