GMOs are genetically modified organisms that have had their genetic material altered using genetic engineering techniques. This is use for altering the DNA of certain foods, such as rice, tomatoes, mangos, and many others.
There are many controversies on whether or not GMOs are good or bad. Why should we care about them? It all depends on whether you believe that GMOs can help with the environment as well as us as humans. GMOs are used in order to bring in a bigger crop yield, prevent insects from eating the plant, and to help bring less pollution to the soil. These all go hand in hand with each other; how having GMOs with a way to prevent insects for eating them which causes farmers to have a greater crop yield, without having to use a pesticide that over time can cause soil to become infertile. Scientists are also using genetic engineering as a way to bring certain nutrients to plants that could prove to be successful to third world countries. An example of this is with the Golden Rice study, where scientists had genetically modified the rice to produce vitamin A. There is a lack of this nutrient in developing countries and without it, it can cause blindness, negatively affect development and growth, and suppress the immune system. So scientists have created this “golden rice†that can supply the vitamin if third world countries can grow it. Although, there are some problems with GMOs. There is the problem that over time, with the help of natural selection, insects will evolve to become resistant to the genes that cause the plants to be unpleasant to the insects. This would cause GMOs to not work. Another problem is if the genes in the GMOs over time get transferred to the surrounding plants, which will cause them to because genetically altered and could cause certain plants and insects extinct. This would cause a crisis. GMOs can also cause allergic reactions depending on the genes that have been altered. There was an example in a movie about how scientists put a fish gene in tomatoes so that they wouldn’t freeze. This could cause a problem because there are some people who are allergic to fish, so doing this could cause a reaction.
Overall, whether to care about GMOs or not, it’s the person’s decision. If they believe that GMOs are not safe, they do have a valid argument, just the same as the people who believe GMOs are safe. So, it really depends on how you view GMOs as a way to help the world or will harm it.