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Blood Type lab

  1. The four blood types are A, B, AB, and O
  2. Blood type AB has both a and b proteins. Blood type O has both antibodies.
  3. Genes are parts of chromosomes passed down from parents that determine a certain characteristic in their offspring. An allele is a form of a gene, where humans have two of them. The allele patterns of dominance and regression determine the phenotype of an individual.
  4. Dominant describes an allele that’s trait will appear in the individual. Recessive requires both alleles to be the same recessive in order to appear.
  5. The phenotype is the trait that appears in an individual, and the genotype is the patterns contained in the genes.
  6. No. Type B is dominant, so AB or B would be the only possibilities.
  7. Yes. Type O is recessive, so the blood would be A if the mother had an A allele
  8. An antigen is a chemical switch that helps start immune responses in the body. An antibody is the result of propduction, an immune response and disease-fighting agent.
  9. The presence of proteins and corresponding antibodies determines a blood type


The blood lab illustrated the different types of blood, and elements that make up a blood type. Just like fingerprints, different types of blood have statistical distributions, which can help to identify suspects or people. The diagrams contained in the lab were very helpful in recognizing the relationships between proteins and antibodies. Blood type AB is the universal recipient, and blod type O is the universal donor. These universal one-way relationships work because of the matching process and the extreme nature of each type, AB with both proteins and O with both antibodies.

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