My art is of a corpse flower, it looks like a green stick with a purple pumpkin at the bottom. This masterpiece has no name. You could tell I used watercolors, and I paint outside the lines a little bit. I used watercolors, a watercolor paintbrush, and a paper towel. I used both wet on wet and wet on dry techniques in my artwork. I was inspired to paint this by my art teacher, who said I need to paint something for a grade, so I looked up a random flower up online. I didn’t express a social issue or any emotions, plus I don’t think you can do that unless you write it down on the art. My goals were to make something better than last year, His piece fulfilled my goals because it looked better than last year, and I am proud of what I made. I learned about watercolor techniques in this art, and it looks better than I pictured it would, mostly because of the really good 3D work. This will influence my artwork to be more 3D and realistic