When I was a small girl
I looked up at the world
It was incredible
And grand
A place made up of cacophonous
Beauty and brilliance
Every part of it was so
Intoxicatingly ideal
From my view
Nothing was ever and could ever go wrong
He was the first I had ever seen
My big eyes
Baby blue concealed by a haze
Of gray
Reflecting his
Translucent and azure
The ocean and the sky
We would smile
Hold hands
I would cascade
Into his arms
And sleep
Knowing I was safe
A love so strong
He would kiss my head
And sing me a lullaby
But the camera has focused
My shield from the harshness of the world
Every bright color
Has faded away
He is now
A shadow of a man
Drifting here and there
More of a spirit
Than ever before
Now we walk
Looking down
Our hands far apart
Knowing life was so different
Back before
Thunder saturated the sky
And chemicals coated the ocean
How did our happy little paradise
I see him
His jaded eyes closing
Shoulders slump and sink
His rib cage slowly shifting
With each
I know what he feels
The pain
He tries to mask
Vexation in my heart
To see so much
To know so much
To feel so overwhelmed with it all
My entire life still waits before me
And I shouldn’t feel so unhappy
Nothing else compares
To when my pudgy little hand
Was embraced by his
So small it was gone from view
Has become lean and elegant
Far too large for his
To comfort to let me know
That everything would be all right
I know
That life
Will never be the same
I know
I must grow up
And let go