GMO or Genetically Modified Organism is a term used to describe an organism whose dna has been manipulated by humans to have certain traits. This goes beyond breeding for certain traits to physically implanting specific genes into organisms DNA from other organisms.
USDA Approves GMO Arctic Apples Despite Opposition. (2015, February 13). Retrieved October 1, 2015.
As a consumer it is important that we pay attention to what is being put into the products that are made for us. We have the ability to sway big corporations one way or another as to how they make their products. GMOs factor in because they affect these products and their consumers, us. Just as we care about the nutrition facts of our food we should also care about what went into growing that food and why one grain of rice has vitamin D while the other doesn’t. It is important to understand if and when pesticides are used, if hormones are used, or if the organism has been genetically modified. This is why we should care as far as labeling goes, we should care on a much deeper level what GMOs mean for our future and the future of generations after us.
Beyond this we have to consider the debate that is surrounding GMOs. This includes scientists that believe GMOs are the future of the human race while others believe they are going to be our demise. The harsh truth is GMOs do not have enough scientific study to agree with either side yet. It is hard to pick one side of this debate because on one hand there is the chance of an extreme backlash and on the other there is a chance of solving world hunger. The reason we have to care about GMOs is that they are already on the market.
GMO: How Serious a Problem Is It? – DFitLife. (2013, February 20). Retrieved October 1, 2015.
As you can see from the graph America has rushed GMOs into its crops because of the amazing prospect for the future it holds. Yet is it right to genetically modify the most used and produced crops in america before knowing all of the side effects? Is it responsible to distribute these crops without understanding the long term effects? Almost all of our soy, corn, canola and sugar beets are genetically modified that means that any product that uses those crops during production is affected by the modified DNA. This could potentially be catastrophic if GMOs take a turn for the worse and start making people sick.
On the other side of this GMO’s have made huge strides in crop production which could eventually lead to solving some of the hunger worldwide. These two extremes are what makes the debate over GMOs so important in our society today and in the future. Until all genetically modified product is screened and deemed one hundred percent safe for human consumption this debate will continue.
The question that will always follow the production of a genetically modified organism will be is it safe? This question should and will always be around to keep scientists testing and trying new things. This pressure from society is needed to make sure that scientists continue to create the best possible GMOs and I would not have it any other way.