Today I introduced the ePortfolios to the class. They are playing around and setting up their pages, pictures etc and beginning to examine the work they have completed to date and select which examplars they will use to show they have learned the concept stated in the Learning Goals for this class!  I have determined that we will organize using a class category (forensics) and tags to indicate which learning goal/standard they want each post to be applied to.  This way we can capture all of the posts in a Category link, and also the subsets by their tags!  Hopefully this will work the way I think it will… Nothing like jumping into the deep end to learn to swim!!!
Hi Mrs. Salemme! Congrats on taking the first step! We will be here to help the students along the way! Looking forward to seeing what your students share on their portfolios!
I fixed the issue we had yesterday when we could click on a category to see all posts. We kept seeing an “oops, that page doesn’t exist.” This has been fixed on your portfolio site. I’d be curious if others get this same error message again.