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Salt Lik

Poppy was walking around in DimWood Forest.  All of a sudden Poppy hears a noise and  Raw! something comes out of the wet bushies.  Allso Poppy runs the bear chases her  around and Poppy ends up in a log.  Then a voice comes inside from the log and Poppy jumps, and shivering.  Then Poppy said,”hello’’ and Ereth said”yes my name is Ereth and I am a porcupine’’. Then Poppy asked if Ereth that if he could bring her to New House because Mrs. Ocase wants to eat Poppy.  I will get you that big piece of salt.  Ereth said, “yes he would bring her to New House.  Next we went walking down the dirt path with rocky,sandy,gravel road.

Then Poppy and Ereth were almost at New House,. Poppy saw Mrs.Ocase in the air swooping down to get her.  Poppy said to Ereth “that Mrs.Ocase was near by.’’ I’m scared said Poppy.

Next Ereth and Poppy were at New House and Poppy saw another owl but Poppy was not sure if it was a real owl. Then Ereth started to leave because they only made the deal that Ereth would only walk her there. Poppy started to run after Ereth because she needed help with getting down the salt. Poppy was running and Poppy hit her head on the dirt, rock and she was knocked out by the hard rock.

The next morning

Poppy was under a green wet leaf.  Poppy was in Bim Wood forest and sne heard Boom,Boom,drizzle.She was cold and my shoes were all muddy and the mud was in my shoes and it felt weird.Oh! come on I hope the salt won’t melt.


A day later

Poppy came running to Ereth’s log and sh said,’’I got the salt down it is just on the ground at New House’’. Ereth was very happy that Poppy got the salt down and they both went back home.

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