My artwork shows a young kid and his mother upset about something. That something is that the father has gone missing and the kid is failing school because of grief.
I used pencil to draw the images and colored them using crayola markers that come in 8 colors. Not the best set of materials but it’s better than no color I guess.
I created my art by thinking of how I could tell a story with a piece of art. So I thought maybe I could have a family photo of the family on the wall and a newspaper documenting the father’s disappearance.
My goal for this artwork is to portray a deep backstory to what’s happening in the image. To do this, I added some clues in the image to show why the people are distressed.
I think my artwork turned out quite neat. It could be just a tad more colorful but 8 markers is quite limited. I will admit orange skin is a little unrealistic but its closer to a regular tan color than red or blue.ÂÂ