The four corners activity gave me new insight on the topics and questions that are difficult to answer. For the questions there was no right or wrong answer, but they are very important questions. I agreed with some questions, but disagreed with others. The question which involved the idea that someone would only want to find out their likelihood of developing if there are ways to treat it. I disagreed with this statement, but I did learn that the question is a double edged sword. It has the nature of a double edged sword because on one hand someone should want to know more about themselves, but if you learn you have a untreatable disease, it can be devastating news. I did learn about possible benefits for a person to find out early that they could develop a harmful disease, because if someone discovers this early they could fulfill their potential wants on their bucket list. I previously never thought about the question that concerned if someone would want to know if someone they were dating carried a potential serious genetic condition. I think that it is a serious conversation people should have, but it is certainly for couples that are at a point in their relationship where they might be thinking of marriage or if they want kids. The questions about the ethics part of our genetic conversation caused myself to think deeply. The question about if a person wanted to know if they had a untreatable disease was a question that really made me think deeply more about myself and my family. For example, what if one of my family members or I found out about a untreatable disease within the family. How would I ever react to this terrible news, and could I handle it well? In all honesty I really do not know what I would do and I hope that my family and I will never be in that situation. These tough questions made the activity not only a group activity, but also a rather important self activity as well.