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My Year

So I don’t know if this counts as a post about my work but I think it is something that needs to be out there.

This year 7th grade ELA with Mrs. Leung has been absolutely amazing. You take English Language Arts from the time you are young, learning how to read and write, or even just how to hold a pencil. But I have never been in an ELA class with a teacher as amazing as this one. The way I was welcomed into this classroom. From the moment I stepped in I knew that this would be the class that I was going to love. All ideas were built on, no one was shot down or laughed at for saying something not so smart. Mrs. Leung brought out the best side of my brain. She has this amazing view on the world, she is noble and humble. She took time to learn everyone, she got to know every kid’s personality, knowing their weaknesses and strengths. Personally I am strong mentally but weak with words, and she took the time to see that. The lessons that we sat in, and the jokes that we soon were to look back and laugh at are all what has brought me to where I am today. The skills that I was taught, the words that I learned. I am so thankful to have such an amazing year in ELA. We went from sentence constructions to story decomposition to poetry to individual projects. She knew us all too well, she knew what we would think, she knew how to approach every situation and always left us with something new and a new perspective. Because of Mrs. Leung I have changed throughout the year, and I know that everyone wants to know that they have changed someone for the better, that they have made a difference. So this goes out to Mrs. Leung who changed me for the better. She taught me that I can express my thoughts in other ways than to yell, I went through some rough patches and whenever I though of yelling or using words, I would wright. I would practice with bolder stronger words. And the way that she has installed that self control into my brain is something amazing. She treated us like actual humans, reminded us that we were no longer little kids and we were old enough to handle the world. And because of that I would trust Mrs. Leung with my world.  She filled our notebooks with skills, our heads with knowledge, and our day with joy…. So this is my one last THANK YOU to the most amazing ELA teacher that is known as Mrs. Leung.


PS: I will always remember the jokes and the good laughs we had in this class. Like suboordinate clause, dating advice, shipping kids, subject lines, AB conversations…. and many many more

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