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Ace, P.I.

This project allowed us to put everything we learned in forensics into one assignment. We had observational skills and the processing of a crime scene when Ace investigates the scene and the crime scene technician studies the evidence. We had hair analysis when the crime scene technician found the hair inside the hat. And we had fingerprinting when the prints were found on the baseball. This compilation gave a representation of what I got out of this class. The most difficult part of the project was the editing. I expected it to take a while, but I was still surprised at how much time we spent on it. This difficulty also arose as a result of my lack of experience with video editing. Thankfully, Jordan and I were able to figure it out. The easiest part was writing the storyboard, it was actually a lot of fun. Once Ethan and George came up with the idea for the film, the storyboard came together easily. Our group worked fairly well. Everyone was involved in the filming once George was done with MCAS. I was not present on the first day of the project when the initial brainstorming occurred, but I was very pleased with what the other guys came up with. I then started to work on the storyboard with Jordan and figure out what the movie would actually look like. Jordan and I decided to base it off of the show Magnum, P.I. The next day, Ethan looked over the storyboard and we began filming. The day after that, George was done with MCAS and were able to film the all important murder scene. On Monday, we finished up all of the filming and Jordan and I got together after school to edit the movie and put it all together. Overall, I think the our project went very well. A link to the video is provided below.

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