An international database of DNA information in which every person’s DNA is entered upon their birth would be a great thing for a society because it would have many benefits are very few drawbacks. Crimes would be solved very quickly and much fewer crimes would go unsolved. All an investigator would have to do is find a sample of DNA at the crime scene, enter it into the database, and wait for a match. It is also extremely difficult for a criminal to not leave any DNA evidence especially if they commit a violent crime. In order to for DNA evidence to be effective today, the criminal would have to be in the database (which is not likely) or investigators would need to have evidence against a suspect already so they can get a DNA sample from them to compare to DNA at the crime scene. This causes DNA evidence to not be as effective as it could be. An international DNA database would solve these problems and make DNA evidence the most important evidence that an investigator could find. Outside of forensics, this database would make the falsification of one’s identity impossible. A simple DNA sample would be able to quickly confirm or deny a person’s identity. A drawback to the system is that it could be very expensive to put together. It would also be controlled by the government so it may being giving them too much power. Taking a sample of every baby’s DNA to put into a database forever may seem unethical, however I do not think it is. These very small drawbacks are nothing compared to the incredible benefits of an international DNA database.
Pros and cons of a compulsory DNA database. (n.d.). Retrieved March 5, 2015, from http://www.theweek.co.uk/uk-news/35669/pros-and-cons-compulsory-dna-database