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Finns narritave artwork

Screenshot 2020-10-01 at 10.43.06 AM







I’m naming my artwork too late as it shows when I broke my arm right before I was going to be picked up from way back in 3rd grade. My artwork was made with a maker, sharpie and pencil. The colors I used were peach for sand, blue for the ocean and windows and also the uniforms and signs. I used green for grass and plants, I used red for the ambulance and the car, and I used brown for the wood. I first drew out the art in a light pencil until it was the way I wanted it, then I went over the soft pencil with the pencil but I pressed down harder, after that I went over with sharpie Then colored with marker. I wanted my artwork to make people feel scared for whatever happened. My artwork shows the issue of not caring enough as bad things could always happen out of the blue. My goals for this artwork were to show how the car in the back was too late but I feel like I didnt illustrate that and it instead looks like a normal car in the background. Overall i feel like i could have done a lot better if i just used pencil but i chose marker because i wanted it to be easier and it made my artwork worse overall. Thank you for reading this.