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7th grade Poetry Portfolio: Self Reflection

27 April 2015


Dear Ms. Maio,

The poem that I consider to be my best is my Villanelle. I think that because I was really able to make strong word choices and use that with the lines that were from the couplet. I also really liked the different line breaks I was able to use because of the rhyme scheme that I had to follow. For example, the first line of the second stanza said “After that shot I usually get caught” and the line break made the second line become “In a really deep stare” which was the second part of that sentence.

I could have used stronger word choices in my other poems. One poem that definitely could have used better word choices was the mimic poem. I could have looked for synonyms of the words I already used in the poem to make it sound more like the poems that Lewis Carroll.

Writing poetry has affected me as a writer by showing me more different styles of writing. By writing in all these different ways I was challenged to adapt to new guidelines and structures of the writing. I think this poetry unit will really help me with other writing because I was exposed to so many new terms and styles.


Elias Jiser

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