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The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone

After reading a few articles and stories on Sherlock Holmes I found that his ability to spot even the most minute details is far better than any regular person. The average person doesn’t have the ability to remember exactly how many stairs there were in a staircase, but Sherlock does. For example, in the story The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone, where Sherlock is trying to catch a man trying to murder him, he can tell exactly where is assassin had been just because of a few unsettled leaves and dirt. This is what makes him so exceptional at discovering the mysteries behind the crimes. What this taught me about about detection and investigation, is that it takes a very keen eye to spot the little clue that could break open a case, and what I found is that most people to not have this keen eye that Sherlock Holmes has. From this I concluded that this is why we use forensics.


It’s why we have tons of people at a crime scene, rather than just two like Holmes and Watson. It’s why we rely on hard evidence to convict a criminal rather than just circumstantial things.


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